
Requirements to knowledge, skills and qualifications of undergraduate students

Specialty “Phthisiology”:


  • Scientific bases and modern problems of infectious diseases, infectious diseases and infectious diseases;
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and tuberculosis, or have an idea about the current problems and the prevention of their spread.
  • Transition of AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • AIDS and tuberculosis preventive and epidemic measures;
  • Basic clinical manifestations of AIDS and tuberculosis and their comparative diagnosis;
  • diagnosis and treatment of AIDS and tuberculosis based on new technologies;
  • Clinical, laboratory, functional and other diagnostic methods of AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • Modern methods of advanced modern treatment of AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • The Ministry of Health knows and can use the content of legislation on AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • Get accurate and complete history of the patient with AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • A high level of physical examination of children and adults with AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • A clear understanding of the scope and scope of treatment for AIDS and tuberculosis patients and children and adults;
  • some independent treatment and diagnostic procedures for patients with AIDS and tuberculosis;
    work with doctor’s documents;
  • Patients with AIDS and tuberculosis should have access to screening and preventive interventions.
    Organization of tuberculosis control in Uzbekistan, scientific bases and modern problems of phthisiology;
  • DOTS strategy proposed by WHO;
  • Basic principles and new technologies of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis TB patients;
  • the spread of tuberculosis among adults, children and adolescents;
  • New technologies in the diagnosis of tuberculosis of children and adolescents;
  • Print or visceral various lung diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes, tuberculosis and gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, tuberculosis and hepatitis, tuberculosis and pherah, tuberculosis and AIDS, tuberculosis and lung cancer, tuberculosis and alcoholism), along with the denial originality and new technologies in treatment;
  • the peculiarity of lung tuberculosis during pregnancy and new technologies and scientifically-based approach to treatment;
  • urgent problems and new technologies, associated with diagnosis and treatment of lung tuberculosis complications;
  • modern problems in comparative diagnostics of pulmonary tuberculosis;
    modern problems of tuberculosis except lungs;
  • new technologies in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, excluding lungs;
  • In addition to the lungs and lungs Print or jarroxlikning new technologies based on the early detection and treatment of science-based approach ӽolda;
  • TB patients to conduct the necessary inspections, a certain amount of patients after diagnosis, clinical examinations and the final diagnosis, radiographic, and functional endoscopic diagnostic interpretation, to conduct resuscitation measures, necessary to carry out the ӽujjatlarni highly qualified management;
  • carrying out necessary documents;
  • Identify guidelines and guidelines for tuberculin testing;
  • Evaluation of the tuberculin test and its outcome;
  • flyuorogrammani, the X-ray and CT scan of the lungs, rentgenkontrast control algorithm based on the interpretation of the results and writing;
  • dyeing and preparation of the paint on the Tsil-Nielsen method from the sputum and microscopy of painted TMB.general and clinical and biochemical analysis of blood, urine, liver and pleural exudates, interpretation of results;
  • interpretation of the results of immunological examination and scientifically-based approach;
  • mucus, pleural ekksudatni, likvorni, lymph nodes, lung, bronchial mucous membrane tissue bioptatlarini cytology studies;
  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis disorders;
    Pleural puncture and exudate aspiration;
  • performing the spinal cord;
  • Intravascular transmission of tuberculosis drugs;
  • diagnostic comparison of primary pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diagnostics of diffuse processes in the lungs;
  • Diagnosis of ovarian and inflammatory changes in lungs;
  • Diagnosis of round lesions in the lungs;
  • diagnostic comparison of destructive changes in lungs;
  • diagnostics of pleurisy comparison;
  • urgent problems of surgical diseases, An understanding of new technologies in the fight against tuberculosis;
  • science and tasks, basic principles of phthisiatry, phthisiatria departments, requirements to phthisiatricians;
  • History, perspective directions of tuberculosis;
  • primary and secondary clinical forms of tuberculosis of children and adolescents: pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics;
  • clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, tuberculosis of ring and bronchus;
  • tuberculous pleurisy: pathogenesis, clinic, dia

The relationship between science and other disciplines

Based on the knowledge and skills acquired by the medical institute in therapeutic and other clinical departments at the magistracy of the faculty of Phthisiology, it includes:

  • Normal and topographic anatomy (internal organ structure).
  • Normal physiology (the fucal structure of the internal organs).
  • Fundamentals of pathological anatomy and histology (substrate of pathology of tuberculosis pathology).
  • Pathological physiology (cellular, suboxular damage caused by tuberculosis, intoxication mechanisms of molecular changes and adaptive compensatory reactions).
  • Biochemistry: (based on the biochemical characteristics of tuberculosis pathways, based on the development of tuberculosis, based on a set of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms).
  • Microbiology (etiologic characteristic of pneumococcal disease, their identification method and mechanism of drug resistance development).
  • Propaedeutics of internal diseases, laboratory tests (tuberculosis semiotics, methods of examination of patients with this pathology).
  • Internal diseases (etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical diagnosis, complication, diagnosis and diagnosis, complex treatment, rehabilitation and prophylaxis of tuberculosis and internal organs).
  • Surgical diseases (tuberculosis complications requiring intensive and planned surgical treatment, clinical and laboratory and laboratory tests of the most common TB cases).
    Fundamentals of anesthesiology and intensive care (emergency and intensive care in tuberculosis and internal organs).
  • Active Diseases (Diagnostic Criteria and Therapeutic Principles of Multidimensional Diseases).
    Endocrinology: Diagnosis of most endocrine diseases, methods of investigation and treatment principles.
  • Hematology (diseases of intact organs, diagnostic criteria of hemoglobin, treatment principles);
    Occupational diseases (diagnostic criteria, labor protection expertise);
  • Obstetrics and gynecology (specificity of treatment and delivery of tuberculosis in pregnant women, symptoms of pregnancy cessation, clinical and diagnostic criteria of frequent gynecological diseases).
  • Oncology (early clinical signs of oncological diseases, laboratory-instrumental diagnostics).
  • Psychiatry – Psycho-somatic syndromes in the tuberculosis clinic, iatrogenic disorders of TB in treatment of tuberculosis).
  • Neurological diseases – (clinical diagnosis, neurological symptoms and syndrome in tuberculosis, emergency conditions in neurological diseases);
  • Children’s Diseases (Symptoms of tuberculosis in children).
  • Skin and Venereal Diseases (Changes in Skin Tuberculosis).
  • Oral throat (tuberculosis, throat, nose disease clinic and diagnostics).
  • Ophthalmology (pathology of autumn organs in tuberculosis).
  • Dentistry (Independent and Yaterogenic Diseases of the Oral Dental Clinic in the Tuberculosis Clinic).
  • Clinical Pharmacology (Mechanisms, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Interactions) of the drug used in phthisiatria.