tests of phthisiology

Tuberculosis of the respiratory organs of children and adolescents

In the concept of “initial manifestations of primary tuberculosis infection”
is included

a) infection with mycobacteria tuberculosis

b) “small forms” of primary tuberculosis

c) the primary tuberculosis complex in the infiltration phase

d) paraspecific reactions, tuberculous intoxication

e) early period of primary tuberculosis infection,

tuberculous intoxication


The main method of identifying
early period of primary tuberculosis infection is

a) screening of children by contact

b) tuberculin diagnostics

c) detection by request

d) All of the above is true


The biological criterion of primary infection is
a) hyperactivity to tuberculin

b) erythema nodosum

c) a turn of sensitivity to tuberculin

d) the reaction of peripheral lymph nodes

e) All of the above is true


Leading clinical syndrome,
characteristic of primary infection, is

a) fever

b) intoxication syndrome

c) Deficiency of weight

d) paraspecific reactions

e) enlargement of the liver and spleen


Morphological Substrate
allergic period of primary infection is

a) caseous lymphadenitis

b) hyperplasia of lymphadenoid tissue

c) small nonspecific changes

d) small specific changes

e) everything is true except one

There are the following main periods of primary infection
a) incubation

b) latent microbiosis

c) pre-allergic and allergic

d) bacteriolism

e) all of the above


The main outcome of primary infection is
a) recovery

b) development of a local form of tuberculosis

c) latent microbiosis

d) the formation of non-sterile immunity

e) infection


The leading path of penetration of the pathogen into the child’s body
at primary infection

а) alimentary

b) aerogenic

c) transplacental

d) contact


Possible ways of distribution of mycobacterium tuberculosis
in the child’s body

a) bronchogenic

b) lymphogenous

c) hematogenous

d) contact

e) all of the above


The appearance in the child of clinical paraspecific reactions

a) on the development of local tuberculosis

b) the presence of superinfection

c) about the general hypersensitivity of the body

d) destruction in the lung tissue

e) All of the above is true


The criteria for tuberculous intoxication include
a) a local form of primary infection

b) syndrome of functional disorders

c) pulmonary changes in an infected child

d) pathology of external respiration function

in the early period of primary infection

If there is a suspicion of tuberculosis intoxication,
a) identify a complex of functional disorders

on a systemic basis

b) include the local form of tuberculosis

X-ray tomography

c) determine the moment of primary infection

on the dynamics of tuberculin samples

d) exclude possible causes of intoxication

nonspecific nature

e) all of the above


Verification of the diagnosis of “tuberculous intoxication” is possible
а) in the TB dispensary

b) in a children’s tuberculosis hospital

c) in the TB sanatorium

d) in the somatic hospital

e) in all the institutions listed


Clinical follow-up of children with tuberculous intoxication
carried out

a) for IIIb group of dispensary follow-up within 6 months

b) in the second group of accounting for 1 year

c) I accounting group within 6 months

d) for the I accounting group for 1 year, then for the IIIb group


Tuberculous intoxication
should be differentiated with the following

most frequent diseases of non-tuberculous etiology

a) chronic pathology of the nasopharynx,

protracted and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases

b) inflammatory diseases of the liver, bile ducts,

gastrointestinal tract and helminthic invasions

c) inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

d) vegetative-vascular dystonia and endocrine diseases

e) all of the above


Treatment of patients with tuberculous intoxication provides for
a) treatment with 3 antibacterial drugs for 9-12 months

b) treatment with 2 drugs for 6 months

c) treatment with 2 drugs for 3 months

d) treatment with 2 drugs for 9-12 months

The use of chemotherapy in cases of tuberculosis intoxication is directed
a) on lymphadenoid hyperplasia

b) for paraspecific changes

c) for small specific changes

d) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

e) on caseous necrosis


The main clinical manifestations of paraspecific reactions
are the

a) erythema nodosum and phlyctenuletic conjunctivitis

b) rhinitis and hypertrophy of the tonsils

c) an increase in peripheral lymph nodes

d) enlargement of the liver and spleen

e) all of the above

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