Lecture number 4 Subject: Clinical classification of tuberculosis. P ervichnye TB.

Classification of tuberculosis in the ICD-10 is as follows. TUBERCULOSIS (A15-A19) The changes Including infections caused by M. tuberculosis and M. bovis Excluded: – Congenital tuberculosis (R37.0); – Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis (J65); – Consequences of tuberculosis (V90.); – Tuberculosilicosis (J65). ICD-10 A15 Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed A15.0 Pulmonary tuberculosis, smear confirmed the … Continue reading "Lecture number 4 Subject: Clinical classification of tuberculosis. P ervichnye TB."

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Clinical symptoms of pulmonary TB are diverse, but the disease has no specific symptoms. This is particularly important in today’s conditions, which are characterized by environmental changes, multiple scattering effects nym on the human body of various vaccines, serums and antibiotics, as well as changes in the properties of the causative agent of tuberculosis. It … Continue reading "Lecture number 3 METHODS AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DIAGNOSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS"

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Lecture number 2 Topic: Epidemiology, pathogenesis and immunity tubepkuleza

The epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the world and the Republic of Uzbekistan; Causes deterioration of the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the world are: The absence or lack of implementation of National TB control programs, which is the result of underestimation of tuberculosis infection in relation to the achieved progress in recent decades the … Continue reading "Lecture number 2 Topic: Epidemiology, pathogenesis and immunity tubepkuleza"

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Lecture # 1 Topic: History of the development of the doctrine of tuberculosis. Etiology of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of the most ancient and widespread diseases. Changes in the tubercular character were discovered during excavations in the bone remains of Stone Age people and Egyptian mummies. Doctors of ancient centuries identified a specific symptom of this disease. It was characterized by the presence of a strong cough with sputum, frequent hemoptysis … Continue reading "Lecture # 1 Topic: History of the development of the doctrine of tuberculosis. Etiology of tuberculosis"

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