The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), within the framework of the USAID Tuberculosis Control Program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for the Training of Journalists of Uzbekistan (CHS), announce:
The main objectives of the contest called “Cure Tuberculosis” are to raise public awareness about key issues of tuberculosis and fight it, to strengthen the role of journalists in ensuring the reduction of incidence rates of the population and increasing life expectancy of the population in accordance with the “Uzbekistan’s 2017-2021. ”, The formation in the society of tolerant and responsible attitude to patients with tuberculosis, the intensification of public dialogue on erkuleza.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, one of the reasons for its spread is the lack of awareness of the population about the ways of infection, methods of prevention and treatment. False myths about tuberculosis and their debunking, the formation of a tolerant attitude of the public towards people with tuberculosis and their families. Actions dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day – in 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducts it under the motto “REQUIRED: LEADERS FOR A WORLD FREE OF TUBERCULOSIS. YOU CAN CREATE HISTORY. ELIMINATE TB ”(WANTED: LEADERS FOR A TB-FREE WORLD. YOU CAN MAKE HISTORY. END TB.).
Works for competitions are accepted in the following categories:
• the best publication in print media
• the best TV program (program)
• the best radio story (program)
• the best material in the online media
• the best publication / material on the contribution of community members (volunteers, doctors, government officials, etc.) to the fight against tuberculosis in Uzbekistan.
TV and radio programs, newspaper and magazine articles, and Internet publications on issues of tuberculosis in Uzbekistan can be submitted to the competition. Works published and aired from January 1, 2018 to August 30, 2018 will be admitted to the competition. Preference is given to materials of analytical genres. The results of the competition will be announced in September 2018 at the awards ceremony.

Works are accepted from March 1, 2018 to September 15, 2018 at the following address: Uzbekistan, 100015, Tashkent, Nukus Street 71, Project HOPE branch in Uzbekistan, marked “To the competition”, as well as by email: EGodunova @ projecthope. org
• Number of works from one participant – no more than 10 works. Originals or copies of publications and recordings of radio and television programs on electronic media are accepted. In the cover letter you must specify: nomination, name of the participant, address, phone, e-mail of the author, place of work in the media and the date of publication (broadcast), as well as edition circulation, for the Internet site – the number of visitors per day.
• Unpublished and not aired, as well as materials not posted on Internet sites are not considered.
• Submitted works are not returned; loss or damage to the submitted works does not entail the liability of the organizers to the participants.
• Competition organizers reserve the right to revise the results of the competition or withdraw work from the competition if the author (s) are involved in the USAID Tuberculosis Program in Uzbekistan.

The jury will include representatives of the media, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the WSC, leading experts in the field of phthisiology, as well as representatives of USAID dealing with tuberculosis.
The competition jury will determine the winners in each nomination in accordance with the following criteria:
Criterion 1: The material should be analytical and contain key information about tuberculosis, including information that tuberculosis is curable and not inherited, and also to comply with modern and correct ideas about its diagnosis, treatment, prevention, ways of spreading and the current epidemiological situation.
Criterion 2: The material should serve to reduce the social stigmatization of tuberculosis patients, destroy invalid stereotypes and discrimination, form a tolerant attitude of society towards people affected by tuberculosis, and also comply with the requirements of ethical professional norms of journalists.
Criterion 3: The material should give an idea of ​​the work of the tuberculosis program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (cover in analytical genres certain activities or activities to control tuberculosis in the country).
The jury has the right to award in addition special diplomas and prizes of the contestants who were not included in the four finalists.

The winners in each nomination are awarded with diplomas and prizes at the award ceremony in September 2018. The exact date of the ceremony will be announced later.
Transportation costs for the winners from the regions are paid by the organizers of the competition.

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